Sunday, April 3, 2011

The Great Typo Hunt

For my book report, I read "The Great Typo Hunt." I was not looking forward to reading a book about editing, but it was actually very interesting. The storyline focuses on two men who travel across the country correcting typos on public signs. Many people were offended when they were told their sign contained an error. I understand it's hard to be told your wrong, but if it's a sign the public sees everyday, you would think they would want to fix the problem. I'm personally not the greatest at accepting criticism, especially about my writing. I'm working on remembering criticism about typos is not a blow to my character. It's just a mistake I need to fix.

After finishing my book report, I worked on the headline assignment. I think writing headlines is the most difficult concept so far in this class. This week, I focused on summarizing the story. A headline that summarizes the main point will attract readers. I also worked on using a strong word choice. A headline I found on Eonline read "Charlie Sheen Live Show Goes From Boos to Bombs." I love celebrity news and thought this title was catchy and creative. I also knew what the story would be about from this headline.

The editing mistake I found this week was in "The Great Typo Hunt." They found a mistake on a private property sign that said "No Tresspassing." The word should have been spelled trespassing. The two men who found the mistake used White-Out to take out the extra s, so now the sign is correct.


  1. I had a similar experience. I thought it would be really boring reading a book about editing, but it turned out to be kinda fun!

  2. The great typo hunt seems like a fun adventure to go on. Well, not really fun, but almost fun. I agree with you on the headlines. It is very difficult. Hopefully everyone will get better for before the test.

  3. I also read "The Great Typo Hunt." I'll agree that it was interesting. It helped me a little bit with my punctuation but only a little bit. Most of the book was about the adventure, not so much about punctuation. It was a pretty fun read though!
