Saturday, April 16, 2011

Last week of school! :)

Recently, I had the chance to facilitate a focus group that critiqued different university websites. Now, when I look at any website an hour and a half of people picking apart tabs, colors, pictures, and font flash through my head. So to say the least as I was critiquing a website for this weeks assignment all I could hear was voices from that focus group saying, “I like those tabs” or “yuck why would they use yellow and black – it looks like a bumble bee. Now, the more I go online the more I avoid bad websites. 
The website I highlighted for this weeks paper was I am truly impressed. It was not only organized and uncluttered but it also used several principles from our recent reading. For instance, the website incorporated the principle of large to small. The top boxes are all large and then as you scroll down the page everything breaks up into smaller boxes and columns. Pretty impressive. 
It also used a principle I spotted in the chapter that talked about logos and sigs. The principle was, when incorporating graphics it is imperative that the graphics compliment and correlate with one another. And correlate they did. The graphics were all complementary, organized and well done. Overall, I was impressed with how well it was laid out. 
Now on to my editing find. Does critiquing your own work count? I hope it does. I was writing a paper this week and reading through it afterwards. I couldn’t believe how many editing mistakes I had made. Of course it was all of the little flaws like dangling participles and missing commas. I know my skills are improving, but sometimes it feels like I took two steps back. Happens, right?

1 comment:

  1. I wrote about an editing mistake I had made as well! It's always good to read through a rough draft. The mistakes I make always surprise me!
