Hi! My name is Cindy Jones. I am a returning student. I am married and I have spent the last 34 years at home raising our family. We have 3 daughters and 3 sons. Our youngest son is a senior at Davis High School. We have 7 grandchildren with one on the way. I am still surprised every time I look in the mirror at how fast the years have flown by.
As you can imagine, I was pretty busy with six children. I was a full time mother (however, I admire those women who work and take care of children at the same time). My husband likes to travel, and so I have reluctantly done some traveling. We went to Hawaii for the first time this summer. I also broke my ankle this summer. I had to have surgery and stay off my foot for 8 weeks. That was about the worst thing that has happened to me.
I am still surprised myself to find myself back in school. One day, I still don't know why, I announced that I was going to return to school to get a degree. It might have something to do with the fact that my five oldest children all had degrees, and my youngest son thought he wasn't hearing correctly when he found out that I was a college drop-out. I did have 17 credits that I was able to transfer to Weber.
The best advice I got from my children was to make sure to find out when to drop my classes so that I could get my money back. Now they just want me to take more classes at a time, so that I will graduate sooner. The tides have changed from me running their lives to their running mine. Or so they think.
Reading has always been my passion. That passion led to my major of English Teaching. Over the years I have not been a very eclectic reader, so school has been a good way to widen my reading choices. Journalism is a new interest for me. My husband and children are all very politically active. Over the years I have been slowly pulled into an interest in politics, which led to my interest in journalism. I have really enjoyed the classes that I have taken so far. I have always been interesting in the editing process. I worked in the Editing Department for Church Curriculum at the LDS Church Headquarters about 35 years ago. I worked in the Seminary and Institute department where the lesson manuals were written. That was before computers. I hand typed all the changes that the editors made. I have always wanted to be an editor. That would be my dream job.
This class will be particularly helpful for me. Growing up, my family moved every other year. I went to 11 different schools in my 12 years of school. Somehow in all the moving, I bypassed learning grammar. So I am excited for this class.
I think it's very cool that you decided to come back to school for a degree. I can't imagine having a family on top of taking college classes. It would stress me out. Anyway, good luck with the semester!