I have a very difficult time watching movies. It is almost impossible for me to sit through a movie at a theater. If I watch a movie at home, I have to have a book to read at the same time. I have noticed that if I am really enjoying the movie, then the book soon finds its way to the floor. The point is, I don’t really watch movies and read at the same time. Something has to go. So I was not surprised to learn today that there is no such thing as multitasking. The brain cannot do two tasks simultaneously. I am somewhat of a lazy person, and so it is hard for me to do even one thing at a time, but there was always the hope that maybe someday I could get two things done at once. I was especially interested to find out that it takes almost twice the time to accomplish something if you try to multitask. So I learned that if I want to do something quickly and efficiently, then I should concentrate on one task at a time.
As for editing errors, a friend of mine posted this recently on Facebook. “Just discovered the most AMAZING soar throat remedy!” I personally didn’t even notice this error until her husband posted “I love it when my throat SOARS! (Don't be sore at me...)”. This is a mistake that wouldn’t be caught by spell check.
Finding out that there is no such thing as multitasking came as somewhat of a surprise to me! I’ve always heard of multi tasking as being a beneficial thing, a time saver even. After reading the chapter I realize that it’s not so beneficial. I’ve always prided myself in being a good multitasked but now that I think about it, I have definitely slacked on a few projects when working on too many things at once. Maybe it is better to focus on one thing at a time!