Thursday, January 13, 2011

Random Facts

Hey everybody. I’ll get the boring stuff out of the way first. I am a transfer student from California, and this is my first year at Weber State. I got my A.A. in Humanities, and I enjoy Weber better than the junior college circuit. My major is journalism. Journalism has always been, at the least, a mild passion for me, and I hope that passion doesn’t fizzle any time soon. However, I spent the last few years with the MLA format, and the switch to AP style might be awkward. My emphasis is in Literary Journalism, so maybe one day I can write magazine articles in between spouts of unconsciousness. If the magazine thing doesn’t work out, then writing at least one children’s book with a startlingly ambiguous message will be fine enough with me.

I think basketball is the greatest sport ever conceived. I try to watch the Blazers and Wizards as often as Charles Manson watches the inside of his cell. Even though both teams are awful to watch, I still try to witness all the manly sadness losing provides each team. Mainly I watch because I cling to the hope that God will one day grant mercy to either team and allow them to win more than a few games per year. I used to follow Weber State basketball, but after Lilliard shattered it became dull. I also am coming close to becoming a raging nerd. Star Wars and Star Trek marathons fill up entire days for me, and anything Marvel Comics does is amazing enough for me to gobble up. Despite the fact that most of the writers for their comics have morphed into hacks recently, I still read. But the hope of a nerd always resides in the future, and it is no different with me. One day Marvel will start writing good story arcs again, and I will be waiting for it. Or not. I actually don’t have that much patience.

Random facts are always fun, so I guess I’ll start spewing a few of them off. I have always distrusted cats because they have a knack for tripping me on stairs. Normally tripping on stairs doesn’t make me mad because I’m as coordinated as a crashing airplane, but cats trip with malice. They make eye contact with me as I fall, and I sense their feline hatred creeping out of their suspicious golden eyes. My biggest dream as a child consisted of me trying to become a Storm Trooper from the Star Wars movies. Considering that it supposedly happened a long time ago, I don’t know how I could have made that dream work.

Now that you know roughly nine things about me I will conclude my rant. I would say see you later, but I don’t think I’ll see anybody since this is an online class. But good luck with the upcoming semester.

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