Sunday, February 13, 2011

A Cluttered World

the current state of spoken English is rife with clutter. Airline pilots say, "We will be experiencing precipitation soon." They don't feel the need to simplify because simplicity in speech is equated to simplicity of mind. People have a mild, at least, fear of coming across as unintelligent so they mask that fear with clutter. Pilots cant say "It will rain." That would be simple. Simple isn't good, especially not to the hordes of egomaniacs that operate our airwaves, papers and advertisements.

The other day I listened to a radio commercial about cars. I don't know much about cars, but I do know about people inflating the amount of words they need to use. the announcer went on and on about a sales pitch that bordered on annoying. If he would have went the simple route I still wouldn't have bought a car since that requires cash, but I would've appreciated him more. He said things like, " I have a surplus of cars, and this surplus caused me to lower my prices!" He could have saved some radio time and money by saying, "I have too many cars, and they must go!"

1 comment:

  1. "...they mask fear with clutter," sums it up perfectly. I know too many people who use the largest words, longest sentences and most complicated speech to try and sound more intelligent. Honestly, I find it more irritating than intelligent.
