Sunday, February 20, 2011

The List

I don't know about the rest of you, but the list of homonyms and homophones in Appendix B made me want to lose it. This list made me realize just how many of these pairs and triads of words there are. After a quick glance through the endless sea of black print, I saw how many mistakes I have made on many papers and assignments I have done in the past.

I have heard that English is the hardest language to learn, and now I see why. We have different words for everything and according to the text, more than 300 of them sound exactly like the other. I was talking to Dr. J after the test last week and I confessed that I find myself typing and speaking in a conscious effort to avoid using who/whom. After reading Appendix B, I think I just added some of those 300+ words to do the same thing to.

The man did not sell illicit drugs. The man sold drugs that are not legally permissible to sell.

Thank god for Auto-correct, right?

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