I must admit, it’s been nice having a slightly lighter work load the past few weeks! The reading and assignments this week were interesting. Reading over appendix B, “Homonyms, Homophones, Spell-Checks, Oh My!” was surprising for me. I had absolutely no idea there were so many homonyms and homophones. I was pretty shocked to see that many.
I originally thought I had a pretty good grasp on the meanings of different words that sounds alike, but I was mistaken. I thought I knew one, looked it up and realized I was wrong. The homework was definitely a great lesson and learning experience.
I realized I’ve forgotten to write about editing errors I’ve encountered for the last few weeks! Oops! This week I caught one in an email at my work. I can’t copy and paste the full email for privacy reasons but there were several mistakes that I caught. She typed “17 year old” instead of 17-year-old and missed several commas and other punctuation.
I love the name of the section. It really is quite frightening like in the Wizard of Oz. Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!