Sunday, March 6, 2011


I would like to focus on sexism in this blog because as I was searching for examples, I was bombarded with horrific sexist advertising!!! And to thing that is my major. It is interesting to point out that most of the ads are from the 40s and 50s that really ticked me off, but even though there are less and less ads today that aren't politically correct, the content is ten times worse. Those ads won't post on here, but I want to share a few of the ones from earlier days.




Ok that is all I am going to post because I am just getting annoyed. As a PR major it is crucial to be aware of the sensitivity of your audience and the effect your words, actions and advertising could have on your company. As an editor is crucial to be able to point out these mistakes and prevent them from being put out in public.

Grammar mistake of the week...

Okay I cheated this week and just googled an image but it fits with what we learned about redundancy. See for yourself.


1 comment:

  1. The ads from the '50s and '60s show how dumb advertising executives were. Or it shows how dumb people who bought those things were. I don't know which one. They take sexism and racism and give it a whole new show. Because of ads from that time period I think everyone from that era was mentally handicapped in some way.
