Sunday, March 13, 2011


The topics we went over this week were, in my opinion, two of the more difficult ones when it comes to writing. Introducing your article with a great lead is extremely important. A well-written, attention grabbing lead that makes the reader want to continue on should be the goal of any writer. It is something that takes a lot of skill, however, I have found that transitioning well between paragraphs can be a difficult skill to master as well.

As with anything else, whether in writing or not, learning to transition well can come with practice. What a good transition does is makes the entire article flow together in one piece. Without it, the reader may become confused or worse-- lose interest in the article and stop reading.

Although learning to transition well can be challenging, there are a few simple techniques that can help you to make good transitions in your writing. One of these is to use pronouns. If a paragraph is talking about a specific noun then it provides a good transition to use pronouns of it in the following paragraphs. A common transition device to use would be transitional expressions. There are many options available as transitional expressions. For example, using additives such as also, in addition, and, again, etc. They link ideas together from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph.

Editing mistake this week: An advertisement in the Sunday Standard-Examiner said this-

Bring your prescription vial to us and

You will get the hometown service you've come to expect.

1 comment:

  1. "A well-written, attention grabbing lead that makes the reader want to continue on should be the goal of any writer." I love this sentence because it rings true. Transitions can be hard but the material offered great advice.
