Friday, March 25, 2011

Brought to you by Dr. Dre & This White Stuff From the Sky

When I used to watch Jay Leno (before I knew just how evil he really is), my favorite part of the show was his "Headlines" bit. I couldn't believe the things people/journalists would write! I know it's hard to do (I thank God I'm not a real editor for a newspaper anymore) but some headlines should be obvious to everyone how terrible they are!

CNN has decent headlines on their website; they're precise and to the point. On their sister network, HLN, it's a whole other story. Basically, anything to do with Charlie Sheen comes out as a sexual innuendo (whether they meant to or not). The picture below was by far my favorite:

1 comment:

  1. You've gotta love Jay Leno's headlines. I'll admit that is one thing I do miss about watching him. Headlines certainly are important. Obviously editors don't always pay close enough attention to headlines. It's important to read the entire story, make sure it fits, and of course make sure it makes sense.
