Sunday, April 17, 2011

Brought to you by Freelance Whales & Terrible Internet Connection

I've noticed with most news sites that the design mirrors print news, which is professional and doesn't offend me. I think Facebook's page design frustrates me the most because it's constantly changing; one day a feature will be in the right hand corner and the next day it doesn't exist. The design of a web site is going to be whatever the website's coordinator wants to be, and it may not please everyone, but there's ways to make the design pleasing to all involved.

What I'll take away from this class is a stronger admiration of grammar and vocabulary. I liked being able to relay what I've learned to friends who edit websites and articles. The vocabulary lists have also helped me to educate my brother so he can stop using words he learned from "Jersey Shore".

1 comment:

  1. FaceBook can be difficult to navigate. Plus keeping track of so many people becomes a chore sometimes. The vocab assignments were probably my favorite. They were also the most relevant to me.
