Monday, February 21, 2011

In Love

OK, I’m convinced; the “AP Stylebook” is SO helpful! I may be in love. I have not owned any version of the handbook until this semester. It has helped me on numerous occasions. Overall, it is an extremely helpful guide at Associated Press Style writing, though I have seen a few frustrations come out of it. I have an investigative journalism class with Dr. J as well as this online editing class. A few times in class, Dr. J. will mention changes that have been made in the new edition of the “AP Stylebook.” How does someone keep up with changes that occur with every new publication? I guess it’s just best to have the most recent publication on hand at all times.

I noticed an editing error this week that sort of threw me off. This particular error had me second guessing my editing knowledge and doing some research in the stylebook. I was looking at In-N-Out Burger’s website for nutritional information (or lack thereof) and came across what I believe to be an editing mistake. Under the Food Quality subheading there is a passage that says, “We do all of this in our facility on our property in Baldwin Park, Ca.” The “AP Stylebook” says all states that need to be abbreviated should be done so with capital letters, as in CA, not Ca. If anyone knows any other rule that makes the Ca. version OK please let me know!

1 comment:

  1. The AP Stylebook is extremely helpful! There are so many rules, and I know I could never remember them all. I always have that book with me, so I can look up the words I'm not sure about.
