Monday, February 14, 2011

Brought to you by Arcade Fire & Russell Brand

After this chapter, I find myself writing a sentence or texting something, then re-reading it and taking out the unnecessary words. Twitter is the perfect example of putting this into action. A person has 140 characters to get a message into the world. It's great practice even though sometimes it's hard to do.


I went to the mall, and I found this very cute dress. It fits me perfectly in every single way. I also found amazing shoes to go with it!


I found the perfect dress and matching shoes at the mall today!

Twitter can start a revolution and make a person speak more clearly!

1 comment:

  1. I always love reading your posts! They are so hilarious. I find myself re-reading all of my texts, looking for spelling errors and punctuation mistakes. Editing has ruined my text language…or made it better. No more text lingo for me!
