Monday, February 28, 2011

Brought to you by Edward James Olmos & James Franco

I don't believe I am very good at show and tell. I get too tripped up on thinking my sentences are too long to put a lot of detail. Even when using "big girl" words, I feel like I'm disconnecting with my audience and giving off the "har har I'm so smart" vibe. Don't get me wrong, I know my way around a thesaurus, but I still hesitate. I think I'm a victim of K.I.S.S (Keep it simple, stupid).

The store I work at just finished spring cleaning (thank goodness), and this included painting inspirational designs in our various break rooms. The phrase through a freshly painted lightning bolt says, "[store name withheld], We've got the power!" I couldn't take a picture of this, mostly because I was on the clock, but I want to cut off the "have" or the "got" in the sentence. It drives me crazy every time I send a fax.


  1. Show and tell in writing is very hard. I usually end up using too many unnecessary words. It all ends up being a mess. I agree that "big girl" words disconnect the speaker from the audience.

  2. I have a hard time realizing when I'm telling and not showing. So I like to have others edit my work and tell me when I'm committing the crime. I can usually fix it then. I'm with you. I like to keep it simple.
