Sunday, January 23, 2011


The secrets and mistakes I chose to focus on were, strangely enough, the same numbers for both — 10 and three. This seemed weird enough to me to comment on, but I don't actually see anything particularly witty to say about it.

Maybe someone else will think of something to say.

The secrets I focused on were to actually sit down and write and to organize before writing. While the book focused more on organizational structures for the actual writing, I found myself focusing on physical organization because it's an issue of mine. I lose the prewriting exercises I work on more often than is at all recommended, and I think that if I work on that aspect, the organization of my ideas will fall into place because of the physical structure I have in place.

As for the concept of actually sitting down and writing, I made myself a schedule and committed to it. Tomorrow will be the first day of this new schedule, so I'll see how it goes.

As an example of a humorous experience this week, while I was working on my vocabulary homework, I got a bit burned out while writing sentences. My husband very helpfully decided to contribute to the cause. Here are a few examples:

John Doe went Capitulating with my Grandma.

I find my wife carousing with a clown.

There is a conflagration of mold in the bathroom right now.

I hope I get an “A” on this consignment.

It brightened my day and helped me to continue with my homework.

I wish I'd had the ability to take a picture of it, but I saw a large, flashing marquee the other day that said “Pinacle of Acheivement” as part of a longer, congratulatory quote.

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