Sunday, January 23, 2011

Troy Aikman- "Blabbering Idiot"

I was watching the Packers-Bears game today, and when I saw Joe Buck and Troy Aikman were commenting on the game, I almost put the game on mute and listened to music. Since I could not figure out what I wanted to write my blog about, I chose to listen to them and count the grammatical mistakes in their speech. Joe Buck is a very well spoken TV personality, but the same cannot be said for Aikman. During the course of the game, Aikman used the word "good" to describe an action. At one point he said, "Aaron Rodgers runs good." I could not help but feel embarrassed for him, but COME ON! I thought individuals who do commentary are supposed to be well-versed in the English language.

I am ignoring all of my annoyance for Troy Aikman and writing this blog as an impartial viewer, but this is just ridiculous. This rant also ties into social media. I was looking through my Facebook and Twitter pages today and noticed that Troy Aikman is not the only well known celebrity to commit this foolishness. Reggie Bush, Ian Poulter (golfer), Page Kennedy (actor), and Paris Hilton all committed these grammatical atrocities.

If someone is going to write something that vast amounts of people will see (or hear) is it too much to ask that proper grammar is used?


  1. It shouldn't be a surprise that Paris Hilton is a grammatical idiot. But Reggie Bush went to USC and should know what commas are. I agree with you that Aikmen should be smarter with his speech.

  2. Reggie Bush cheated his way through USC. You think that guy did any ounce of homework? The man was given a golden ticket to graduate with his scholarships. He certainly didn't have to learn much about grammar.
